This post is the second part of a series that I have started so that I can write down about what I feel towards reservations and the quota system. You can check out the first post of this series at 'The Reservation Theory Part 1'
Reservations tend to limit the thinking of some sections of the society as they are given ‘benefits’ which they think will work towards their betterment. What they fail to realize is the fact that they won’t arrive at a better position in life, depending only on these reservations. My colleague Kushal Sharma read my previous post and he told me “Dude, do you think the government really wants these people to come up in life? If they really do want this to happen, then why are they not making policies that will help the poor?” I thought about it and I said “Yes, dude. You really have a valid point”. I like to think and I thought deeply about this. I racked my brains and then I realized the fact that if the government or rather the political parties really wanted to help them and bring them out of the puddle, then it would have had achieved it by now. During every election phase, every new candidate promises “upliftment of the poor”. I ask, why hasn't it been done in the last 60 years? This has not been done because this is the strongest point which gets the political parties their valuable votes.
In the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, Morgan Freeman says, “Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free”. Hope. This is what these people have. They hope that at least one of these electoral candidates will help them in living a better life. However, only hope can never set anyone free. You have to work towards it. Sadly, people in India rely heavily on help from outside rather than helping themselves. This is where the government comes into the picture and uses them as pawns for its benefit.
The government according to the constituency of democratic India is ‘by the people, of the people and for the people’. I understand ‘by the people’ as we make the government i.e. we vote for the candidates and then they are elected in their power. What I fail to understand is the concept of ‘of the people and for the people’. Of the people essentially means that the people of a country own the government as they are the ones who have elected it. In India it’s the other way round. The government acts like it is the creator of the people in the country. It imposes rules, regulations, policies, reservations, systems etc on the people without even bothering to think about the well being of the people. The prime reason for this is corruption. People from the highest power to the people in the lowest power are corrupted to an unimaginable level. In India, you can bribe anyone from a small time traffic cop to the, ahem.., Chief Minister, Governor or even the Prime Minister. Or else, how can you expect a person who earns (estimate) around 43k INR per month and still has enough money to support his future generations even after retirement?
In India people from the ‘ruling’ political party are amongst the richest people. Ruling. This is the exact term that is used by the bureaucrats when they have to mention political parties. The political party which is running the government is termed as the ‘Ruling’ party and the one opposing it is termed as the ‘Opposition’ party. I understand the term Opposition as it signifies that the ‘a certain political party is opposing the other one, which is essentially the political party that is running the government’. However, I fail to agree to one term. Ruling Party. How can a political party rule in a democracy? Democracy itself means ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. Then how can a political party rule the people? I would really like someone to explain this concept to me. Why do we say ‘the ruling party’ when we are the ones who actually run the country? Is this what we mean when we say ‘of the people’? If yes, then I don’t see the ‘people’ anywhere in the picture....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Reservation Theory Part 1
What is it with the government and education? I completely understand the fact that the government wants to bring quota system in every possible field. However, isn’t it very naïve to bring in the quota system in the field of education as well? I mean come on, whoever heard of anything like this before? People get admission in college, schools, grad colleges etc on the basis of their caste and not merit!! This has to be the most stupidest, dumbest, unworthiest (these are some of the new words created by me) thing ever done by any government on Earth!

For those of you who don’t know; a quota system is a thingy in which people get reservations in colleges, government offices, private workplaces and every other damn place. India is a country which is a mixed bag of religions. Now if this wasn’t enough, every religion is classified into different castes and sub-castes. Every sub caste is divided into even more sub castes. These sub castes are further broken down into sub –castes. Phew! For the sake of understanding things properly, the government has broadly classified this into:
Scheduled Tribes – ST’s
Scheduled Castes – SC’s
Other Backward Classes – OBC’s
Open Class or Open Category – OC
When the constitution of India was drafted, Late Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, took the pain to see to it that everything is In order in the new to-be-emerging country of India. He made the life easier of the people belonging to the poorer section of the society by making reservations for them in institutions, government offices etc. This helped them in bringing their life back on track by working, earning money, giving good education to their children and almost eradicated their poverty. People who really worked hard for their own upliftment came up in life and people who lazed their way to glory, depending on luck and destiny are still living in their good old hutments by the road sides. I am assuming, by now, most of you must have understood the idea behind reservations. If not, then please visit Wikipedia and get enlightened
India has come a long way since independence (this is what every Indian says :)). However, I fear we have not amended the constitution and its law, rules, regulations or whatever it is accordingly. We still follow the 60 year old constitution which was drafted for a new India 60 years ago. The government has failed to understand that India is a land of opportunities and we need to make changes from time to time. Change is a part of everyone’s life and change should happen for the better good. The government of India sadly still follows the rickety old constitution which is on the verge of collapsing on its own face.
Today every Tom, Dick and Harry in India knows that reservations are a thing of the past. Every person believes that very person should be considered in any post only if that person is worth it. Sadly, these reservations don’t help the cause…..

For those of you who don’t know; a quota system is a thingy in which people get reservations in colleges, government offices, private workplaces and every other damn place. India is a country which is a mixed bag of religions. Now if this wasn’t enough, every religion is classified into different castes and sub-castes. Every sub caste is divided into even more sub castes. These sub castes are further broken down into sub –castes. Phew! For the sake of understanding things properly, the government has broadly classified this into:
Scheduled Tribes – ST’s
Scheduled Castes – SC’s
Other Backward Classes – OBC’s
Open Class or Open Category – OC
When the constitution of India was drafted, Late Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, took the pain to see to it that everything is In order in the new to-be-emerging country of India. He made the life easier of the people belonging to the poorer section of the society by making reservations for them in institutions, government offices etc. This helped them in bringing their life back on track by working, earning money, giving good education to their children and almost eradicated their poverty. People who really worked hard for their own upliftment came up in life and people who lazed their way to glory, depending on luck and destiny are still living in their good old hutments by the road sides. I am assuming, by now, most of you must have understood the idea behind reservations. If not, then please visit Wikipedia and get enlightened
India has come a long way since independence (this is what every Indian says :)). However, I fear we have not amended the constitution and its law, rules, regulations or whatever it is accordingly. We still follow the 60 year old constitution which was drafted for a new India 60 years ago. The government has failed to understand that India is a land of opportunities and we need to make changes from time to time. Change is a part of everyone’s life and change should happen for the better good. The government of India sadly still follows the rickety old constitution which is on the verge of collapsing on its own face.
Today every Tom, Dick and Harry in India knows that reservations are a thing of the past. Every person believes that very person should be considered in any post only if that person is worth it. Sadly, these reservations don’t help the cause…..
60 years,
babasaheb ambedkar,
open class,
other backward classes,
scheduled caste,
scheduled tribes,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Firefox 3 Download Day Certificate
I downloaded Firefox 3 today and i am proud to say that i am one of the people to have helped Firefox in creating a world record. I downloaded Firefox twice :) On my office computer and my personal computer at home. I feel Firefox is one of the safest ways to surf the big bad world of the Internet. With lots of useful Add-ons and themes, Firefox for me is the best Internet browser.
Look what i got!!!

I understand that millions of people across the globe have downloaded Firefox today and have got this certificate. So what makes me so proud to show it off?? Well, i feel proud because my download has been instrumental in making it a huge success :D
So go ahead and show off your certificates as well!!! Cheers!!
Look what i got!!!

I understand that millions of people across the globe have downloaded Firefox today and have got this certificate. So what makes me so proud to show it off?? Well, i feel proud because my download has been instrumental in making it a huge success :D
So go ahead and show off your certificates as well!!! Cheers!!
Firefox 3 Ready For Download
Finally folks, it’s here! The final version of Firefox 3 is available for download starting today! I downloaded it this morning, and I must agree that its totally awesome!!! It comes with some really cool themes and add-ons. In fact, some add-ons did not work with the Firefox RC’s; this final version has taken care of all those worries. Till now I haven’t had any difficulty in installing it or using it. There are some cool add-ons like the WOT add-on which identifies if a website is spam free or not, the super PicLens add-on which defines a totally new way to watch videos, photos etc, the McAfee site advisor which was missing in the Firefox RC’s and a whole load of other stuff as well. There are some awesome new themes which look uber cool. Check out the Black X theme. I am using it and it is very good.
There are some issues with few add-ons and themes not working with this version of Firefox, but hey, who’s cribbing? I love Firefox and this version in one word is “Awesome”. Mozilla, is attempting to set a Guinness world record by getting the most downloads of Firefox in a day. To download it right now, visit!
There are some issues with few add-ons and themes not working with this version of Firefox, but hey, who’s cribbing? I love Firefox and this version in one word is “Awesome”. Mozilla, is attempting to set a Guinness world record by getting the most downloads of Firefox in a day. To download it right now, visit!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Worst Video Game Ever
Okay, I have played many video games, but i just haven't played E.T. Now all of you must be wondering why E.T? Well that's because it is the Worst Video Game that has been ever made and i am intrigued to find out what was so bad in it that made the creator's a big bunch of losers. They went bankrupt in a single day and all the people who have played this game are still mad at it because it cost them a lot to buy the game.

Yahoo! has compiled a list of the worst video games to ever hit the gaming industry and E.T is among them. I am a big fan of the movie that Steven Spielberg made, but hey i want to play this game and see how it feels to play the worst game ever made. Reportedly the game maker had to suffer almost $50m in losses.
Yahoo! says "No list of video game flops would be complete without the game that's widely credited with causing the great videogame crash of 1983. Atari paid somewhere around $25 million for the movie license, then had their programmers hammer out a game in a mere five weeks. The video games industry celebrated its release by disappearing into a recession that took years to cure, and Atari was broken up and sold just a year later. E.T. is still remembered as the worst game ever made. Still, if that hasn't put you off (perhaps you are a masochist or otherwise insane) head for the desert and start digging: untold millions of unsold E.T. cartridges were dumped in an Alamogordo, New Mexico landfill where they remain to this day. Best place for 'em."
For all the other "Worst Video Games Ever", please visit Yahoo!

Yahoo! has compiled a list of the worst video games to ever hit the gaming industry and E.T is among them. I am a big fan of the movie that Steven Spielberg made, but hey i want to play this game and see how it feels to play the worst game ever made. Reportedly the game maker had to suffer almost $50m in losses.
Yahoo! says "No list of video game flops would be complete without the game that's widely credited with causing the great videogame crash of 1983. Atari paid somewhere around $25 million for the movie license, then had their programmers hammer out a game in a mere five weeks. The video games industry celebrated its release by disappearing into a recession that took years to cure, and Atari was broken up and sold just a year later. E.T. is still remembered as the worst game ever made. Still, if that hasn't put you off (perhaps you are a masochist or otherwise insane) head for the desert and start digging: untold millions of unsold E.T. cartridges were dumped in an Alamogordo, New Mexico landfill where they remain to this day. Best place for 'em."
For all the other "Worst Video Games Ever", please visit Yahoo!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Of Amulets and Beliefs
India is known as a very orthodoxical (this word is my copyright) and traditional country. Since a very long time (probably thousands of years) there have been beliefs and superstitions in India regarding various things. From not cutting nails in the evening to not wearing black colored clothes for a ceremony, every Indian has some or the other beliefs or superstitions.
One particular belief that almost 60% of people in India have is for Amulets. Yes, the shiny or pale, sharp or blunt objects that are worn around the necks more commonly known as amulets. These objects are believed to possess the power to cure diseases, bring strength, protect a person from evil and yes also to increase the male or female libido. A tiny little (or not so tiny) object hung around the neck with a piece of string or steel or gold or silver or plastic strings is also believed to possess magical powers. There are lots of stories and myths about amulets that have inspired many films, short stories and generations of people. They are not restricted to any particular set of people. Even people from developed nations like the US of A, UK and others believe in this power of amulets. In India most particularly people wear them with the object being a pendant depicting various gods, coins from the bygone era, tiger nails, horse hair, tiger teeth etc etc.

Today when I was traveling by my usual local train in the morning, I overheard a conversation between two co-travelers. One of them was boasting about an amulet which a friend of his had got for his 2 year old son. This particular piece of amulet was a tiger nail tied to a string of gold. This person was telling his friend that the amulet had magical powers and it was supposed to make the child strong and keep him away from fear and all other evils. Woah!! Tiger nails! Isn’t it illegal to kill a tiger and procure a tiger nail or in that matter procuring a tiger nail by any means is considered illegal in India, and this person was boasting his was to glory! His friend had got it from some part of Madhya Pradesh which is a state in India. Everyone knows that a tiger possesses immense strength, valor, vigor, keen sense etc but isn’t it totally rubbish and foolish to believe that a small tiger nail brings such unbelievable abilities in a human being. Scientifically speaking tiger nails as any other nail is dead skin which is immune to pain, shock etc but some superstitious people still believe that it has such immense powers. I mean, come on, it’s just another piece of nail isn’t it? People need to understand the logic behind this. Why can’t such people just use their brains instead of believing in what other say! But, then again, wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone used even 10% of their logic and common sense?
Idol worship is very common in many parts of the world. In fact in India you will find a different deity for every different region or state. It is estimated that there are at least 330 million different varieties of ‘gods’ in India. People worship in temples, churches, mosques etc etc. However, what is the whole idea of wearing a deity around the neck? People tend to think that this will keep them away from the ‘evil eye’ and bring happiness. As some one had said ‘true happiness lies within’! This needs to be understood by most of the people. People except to be protected by a piece of metal hung around their neck. Isn’t this very absurd? We actually depend on this piece of metal to protect us?? In India many religions actually encourage the use of amulets and pass them off as a ‘part of the tradition’. The question that arises here is ‘who made the traditions’? Was it us or was it god? Certainly us because humans really don’t have the guts and patience to listen to anyone who commands them. Also, where is the ultimate proof that god told humans to follow these traditions? Traditions are the brain child of humans and hence these amulets are also the brain child of a very wise person who found out a way to treat insecure and over anxious people. People just need a medium through which they can express their thoughts, fear etc and wearing such amulets is an absolutely indigenous way of showing that they have faith in god.
Such amulets are available all across the globe but for a price. They are sold in temples, across the street, by the hakim, the crooked person whom people fondly call ‘baba’ and so called saints who are believed to have powers unknown to mankind (yeah right!, like the world needs more powers!) People have to wake up to the fact that these amulets contain powers that we believe they will have. It is our mind which makes us think that they have powers behind comparison. Only, the human mind and a pure heart without any guilt, dishonesty or wrong doings in life can have true happiness. These amulets just use our will power, confidence and motivation to ‘possess’ the power that we want them to have. We have to stop believing in all these gibberish and realize the fact that they are nothing but a human creation to blame some one else but us. Humans have a very uncanny ability to blame god for everything and these amulets serve as the right medium. They are held responsible for bringing happiness, strength etc. What we fail to realize is that we are responsible for our actions and nothing else. The day people start realizing this, the world will truly be free of these ‘objects’ that we fondly call ‘amulets’.
One particular belief that almost 60% of people in India have is for Amulets. Yes, the shiny or pale, sharp or blunt objects that are worn around the necks more commonly known as amulets. These objects are believed to possess the power to cure diseases, bring strength, protect a person from evil and yes also to increase the male or female libido. A tiny little (or not so tiny) object hung around the neck with a piece of string or steel or gold or silver or plastic strings is also believed to possess magical powers. There are lots of stories and myths about amulets that have inspired many films, short stories and generations of people. They are not restricted to any particular set of people. Even people from developed nations like the US of A, UK and others believe in this power of amulets. In India most particularly people wear them with the object being a pendant depicting various gods, coins from the bygone era, tiger nails, horse hair, tiger teeth etc etc.

Today when I was traveling by my usual local train in the morning, I overheard a conversation between two co-travelers. One of them was boasting about an amulet which a friend of his had got for his 2 year old son. This particular piece of amulet was a tiger nail tied to a string of gold. This person was telling his friend that the amulet had magical powers and it was supposed to make the child strong and keep him away from fear and all other evils. Woah!! Tiger nails! Isn’t it illegal to kill a tiger and procure a tiger nail or in that matter procuring a tiger nail by any means is considered illegal in India, and this person was boasting his was to glory! His friend had got it from some part of Madhya Pradesh which is a state in India. Everyone knows that a tiger possesses immense strength, valor, vigor, keen sense etc but isn’t it totally rubbish and foolish to believe that a small tiger nail brings such unbelievable abilities in a human being. Scientifically speaking tiger nails as any other nail is dead skin which is immune to pain, shock etc but some superstitious people still believe that it has such immense powers. I mean, come on, it’s just another piece of nail isn’t it? People need to understand the logic behind this. Why can’t such people just use their brains instead of believing in what other say! But, then again, wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone used even 10% of their logic and common sense?
Idol worship is very common in many parts of the world. In fact in India you will find a different deity for every different region or state. It is estimated that there are at least 330 million different varieties of ‘gods’ in India. People worship in temples, churches, mosques etc etc. However, what is the whole idea of wearing a deity around the neck? People tend to think that this will keep them away from the ‘evil eye’ and bring happiness. As some one had said ‘true happiness lies within’! This needs to be understood by most of the people. People except to be protected by a piece of metal hung around their neck. Isn’t this very absurd? We actually depend on this piece of metal to protect us?? In India many religions actually encourage the use of amulets and pass them off as a ‘part of the tradition’. The question that arises here is ‘who made the traditions’? Was it us or was it god? Certainly us because humans really don’t have the guts and patience to listen to anyone who commands them. Also, where is the ultimate proof that god told humans to follow these traditions? Traditions are the brain child of humans and hence these amulets are also the brain child of a very wise person who found out a way to treat insecure and over anxious people. People just need a medium through which they can express their thoughts, fear etc and wearing such amulets is an absolutely indigenous way of showing that they have faith in god.
Such amulets are available all across the globe but for a price. They are sold in temples, across the street, by the hakim, the crooked person whom people fondly call ‘baba’ and so called saints who are believed to have powers unknown to mankind (yeah right!, like the world needs more powers!) People have to wake up to the fact that these amulets contain powers that we believe they will have. It is our mind which makes us think that they have powers behind comparison. Only, the human mind and a pure heart without any guilt, dishonesty or wrong doings in life can have true happiness. These amulets just use our will power, confidence and motivation to ‘possess’ the power that we want them to have. We have to stop believing in all these gibberish and realize the fact that they are nothing but a human creation to blame some one else but us. Humans have a very uncanny ability to blame god for everything and these amulets serve as the right medium. They are held responsible for bringing happiness, strength etc. What we fail to realize is that we are responsible for our actions and nothing else. The day people start realizing this, the world will truly be free of these ‘objects’ that we fondly call ‘amulets’.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Jeffrey Archer - A Prisoner of Birth Book Review

As an avid reader, I was waiting for the book A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer to hit the book shops in India. I was eager to know what he had written in this book that had already become a world wide bestseller even before it was published. Jeffrey Archer is known as a master of fiction stories. His books Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, The Eleventh Commandment are some of the books that I read over and over again. These books fail to lose their essence even after you re-read them. However, how latest book, A Prisoner of Birth fails to live up to the hype.
The story starts with an incident that happens outside a watering hole in England. This incident changes the life of the protagonist Danny Cartwright and his fiancee Beth Wilson as Danny is charged with a crime he has not committed. The crime that of his to be brother-in-laws' murder. There are four friends who have actually got into a brawl with Danny and his best friend (aka his brother-in-law). However, the fight soon ends in a brutal murder which catches Danny unawares and he is accused of the murder as the four friends who have actually murdered the person are very powerful in the society.
Then Danny is sentenced to twenty two years in prison. This is the part of the book where the real story begins. The story takes many twists and turns like typical Jeffrey Archer novels and keeps the reader involved. However, some times the story line turns to be somewhat predictive and the reader can lose interest.
I have read ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ and it is arguably the inspiration behind this novel. The plot ends in a wicked twist which the readers should not miss. It could have been much better though. The book lacks clear writing, has some very usually used storyline and fails to impress even after beginning on a good note.
This book is for die-hard Archer fans and as I am one, I would recommend this book to them. I would still like to believe and say that ‘The Eleventh Commandment’ is the best work by Archer. This book could have been much better, but as they say ‘to err is human and to forgive is divine’ Jeffrey Archer fans will surely look forward to his next novel and expect it to meet the expectations of readers worldwide and also live up to all the hype that they generate before the book is published.
The book is a best seller no doubt, but I don’t think any reader would go in for a second reading. For 295 Rupees, I had expected a lot more from Archer, however, this book is a must read for every Archer fan, despite its flaws. Watch out for the protagonist Danny Cartwright in this book. Archer has really put in some strong points in him!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Oh so Rainy!!!
Ah! The rains are finally here. It has been a loooonnnng time since I posted something on my blog. Today while I was traveling back home, after a not so tiring day at work, I thought why not rejuvenate my blog with my thoughts on the best time of the year. It is the time of the year that I await the most. As a true Indian, I absolutely hate the summers. The winters are more or less like the summers except for the fact that it is a lot cooler in the morning. The rainy season is the only time of the year in which a person can expect cool mornings, a cooler afternoon and a much cooler evening and night. The skies are overcast and the clouds are brimmed with ‘water’ waiting to burst over and fall on the ground.
In Mumbai, the city where I live, the rains come a bit late than usual. If I were to speak like a typical god-fearing Indian (which I am not), I would say; “The rain gods have finally smiled upon us” How can any ‘god’ smile and make the water fall from clouds?? This is one thing that intrigues me. I won’t say that I don’t believe in god, but I certainly don’t blame god for everything and I most certainly don’t attribute my success to god. It’s my hard work which has lead to my success. Wait!!! Why am I diverting from the topic? The topic here is ‘Rains’. I will get back to my thinking about the 330 million Hindu gods in my later posts (and a bit of bashing to all the ‘god-fearing’ Hindu people in India)
The skies have been overcast since the last two days and the last two days have seen the rains getting into Mumbai. I stay in Dombivli which is a suburb, located almost 50 Kms away from Mumbai. However, today was the day, which saw the skies, laden with dark clouds and strong winds for the entire day.
When I was traveling today from home to my office in Mumbai, it had already started to drizzle. I thought it would be yet another day which would bring false hopes to all those people who love the rains. The Mumbai Metrological department had predicted that the rains will strike Mumbai by 10th June. And, like every time, they got it horribly wrong! The rains struck Mumbai and how! The overcast skies refused to get cleared and it started raining. The weather was awesome and legen….wait for it….dary! As I was working on my workstation jotting away email to my books’ reviewers, my attention was always diverted outside whenever it used to thunder. I longed to go outside and enjoy the rain with the rain drops falling on my smooth silky hair (yes, you got it, I am exaggerating the hair part) As always, I was deprived of an opportunity to step out of my office and enjoy the rains for even 10 minutes, as I was pathetically busy listening to awesome songs by Pink Floyd, Cranberries etc and also doing some ‘work’. As I was about to step out of my office for some time, the HR guys of our organization had organized ‘Funday’ today which needless to say was no fun at all. To add to it, there was the employee of the month award, which as usual was given to person who totally ‘did not’ deserve it. I personally believe that these awards are given to people when the organization thinks that the person is not eligible for a promotion, but not too bad enough to let go. More on this will follow in my ‘soon to come’ blog posts.
Finally, the time to bid adieu to today’s work came and I joyously left my office to drench in the rains. The best part about the monsoon is that it brings lot’s of joys to people as they bring water to the city (which is the most important aspect to a bustling city like Mumbai, which has been dubbed as the melting pot of India). The rain drops bring joy to my eyes and needlessly to say to my heart.
I enjoy sipping on a cup of tea by the roadside tea stall, which have made their presence felt in each and every corner of the city. I especially enjoy a hot vada pav to go with the awesome taste of the tea. Many Mumbaikars (this is what the people residing in Mumbai are called) hate traveling in the train after a hard and long day at work. But, I prefer traveling in a train, standing at the train door and I love it when the cool wind blows in my face messing up my awesome hair (yes, I am obsessed with my hair)!! I love the sweet though distinguished smell of the rain drenched soil. Most mumbaikars hate the rains because the streets get very dirty owing to the loads of plastic bags, satchets etc etc which get accumulated over a period of time and which are washed on the street adding to the list of many woes that a normal every day traveler has.
I absolutely love the rains. In fact, I was longing for the rains to arrive this year as I was fed up of the heat this summer. I wanted to fell the cool breeze and the drops of water on my face and I did get my share of ‘drenching in the rain’ yesterday and today. I beg to differ from all those people who think that rains are very messy. They according to me are the most beautiful part of the year. I love the thunders, the clouds, the overcast skies, the lightning…everything!!!
Yes, I might be a fanatic for rains, but hey that’s how I am, whether you like it or not!
Three cheers to the monsoon!!!
In Mumbai, the city where I live, the rains come a bit late than usual. If I were to speak like a typical god-fearing Indian (which I am not), I would say; “The rain gods have finally smiled upon us” How can any ‘god’ smile and make the water fall from clouds?? This is one thing that intrigues me. I won’t say that I don’t believe in god, but I certainly don’t blame god for everything and I most certainly don’t attribute my success to god. It’s my hard work which has lead to my success. Wait!!! Why am I diverting from the topic? The topic here is ‘Rains’. I will get back to my thinking about the 330 million Hindu gods in my later posts (and a bit of bashing to all the ‘god-fearing’ Hindu people in India)
The skies have been overcast since the last two days and the last two days have seen the rains getting into Mumbai. I stay in Dombivli which is a suburb, located almost 50 Kms away from Mumbai. However, today was the day, which saw the skies, laden with dark clouds and strong winds for the entire day.
When I was traveling today from home to my office in Mumbai, it had already started to drizzle. I thought it would be yet another day which would bring false hopes to all those people who love the rains. The Mumbai Metrological department had predicted that the rains will strike Mumbai by 10th June. And, like every time, they got it horribly wrong! The rains struck Mumbai and how! The overcast skies refused to get cleared and it started raining. The weather was awesome and legen….wait for it….dary! As I was working on my workstation jotting away email to my books’ reviewers, my attention was always diverted outside whenever it used to thunder. I longed to go outside and enjoy the rain with the rain drops falling on my smooth silky hair (yes, you got it, I am exaggerating the hair part) As always, I was deprived of an opportunity to step out of my office and enjoy the rains for even 10 minutes, as I was pathetically busy listening to awesome songs by Pink Floyd, Cranberries etc and also doing some ‘work’. As I was about to step out of my office for some time, the HR guys of our organization had organized ‘Funday’ today which needless to say was no fun at all. To add to it, there was the employee of the month award, which as usual was given to person who totally ‘did not’ deserve it. I personally believe that these awards are given to people when the organization thinks that the person is not eligible for a promotion, but not too bad enough to let go. More on this will follow in my ‘soon to come’ blog posts.
Finally, the time to bid adieu to today’s work came and I joyously left my office to drench in the rains. The best part about the monsoon is that it brings lot’s of joys to people as they bring water to the city (which is the most important aspect to a bustling city like Mumbai, which has been dubbed as the melting pot of India). The rain drops bring joy to my eyes and needlessly to say to my heart.
I enjoy sipping on a cup of tea by the roadside tea stall, which have made their presence felt in each and every corner of the city. I especially enjoy a hot vada pav to go with the awesome taste of the tea. Many Mumbaikars (this is what the people residing in Mumbai are called) hate traveling in the train after a hard and long day at work. But, I prefer traveling in a train, standing at the train door and I love it when the cool wind blows in my face messing up my awesome hair (yes, I am obsessed with my hair)!! I love the sweet though distinguished smell of the rain drenched soil. Most mumbaikars hate the rains because the streets get very dirty owing to the loads of plastic bags, satchets etc etc which get accumulated over a period of time and which are washed on the street adding to the list of many woes that a normal every day traveler has.
I absolutely love the rains. In fact, I was longing for the rains to arrive this year as I was fed up of the heat this summer. I wanted to fell the cool breeze and the drops of water on my face and I did get my share of ‘drenching in the rain’ yesterday and today. I beg to differ from all those people who think that rains are very messy. They according to me are the most beautiful part of the year. I love the thunders, the clouds, the overcast skies, the lightning…everything!!!
Yes, I might be a fanatic for rains, but hey that’s how I am, whether you like it or not!
Three cheers to the monsoon!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
India wins the Perth Test match against the Aussies
Finally! the moment every Indian Cricket fan was waiting for has arrived. The aussies have been defeated and how! At the start of the Perth Match everyone was confident that the Aussies are going to create a record by winning this Test Match thus giving them a place in history of being the only team to have registered 17 successive Test match wins.
However, the Indian Team was in no mood to grant them this wish. Both the teams played brilliant cricket, however the Indian Team shone in the end and registered a historic win over Australia in Australia.

This is the first time that a team from the India Sub-continent has won a test match in Perth. Again, it was Australia's first defeat in Australia since 2003. The last team to have defeated Australia in Australia was.. well India! Yup. this happenned 5 years ago when Saurav Ganguly was the captain of the team. The situation was the same. Australia at that time too needed one win to register a record of 17 successive teast wins. But, they were denied the chance then, and they were denied the chance this time too.
Experts say that the India team was fired up after the incidents in the Sydney test. Sunil Gavaskar, the original little master of the cricketing world said that this win was the most important win of India in over 40 years! has compiled a bulletin of the match and I completely agree with them.
The only worry though is whether India can maintain their stature and go ahead to win the next match? Well, lets just wait and watch!
However, the Indian Team was in no mood to grant them this wish. Both the teams played brilliant cricket, however the Indian Team shone in the end and registered a historic win over Australia in Australia.

This is the first time that a team from the India Sub-continent has won a test match in Perth. Again, it was Australia's first defeat in Australia since 2003. The last team to have defeated Australia in Australia was.. well India! Yup. this happenned 5 years ago when Saurav Ganguly was the captain of the team. The situation was the same. Australia at that time too needed one win to register a record of 17 successive teast wins. But, they were denied the chance then, and they were denied the chance this time too.
Experts say that the India team was fired up after the incidents in the Sydney test. Sunil Gavaskar, the original little master of the cricketing world said that this win was the most important win of India in over 40 years! has compiled a bulletin of the match and I completely agree with them.
The only worry though is whether India can maintain their stature and go ahead to win the next match? Well, lets just wait and watch!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New rules to be implemented in Cricket
(1) Ricky Ponting – (THE TRULY GENUINE CRICKETER OF THE CRICKET ERA AND WHOSE INTEGRITY SHOULD NOT BE DOUBTED ) should be considered as the FOURTH UMPIRE. As per the new rules, FOURTH UMPIRE decision is final and will over ride any decisions taken by any other umpires. ON-FIELD umpires can seek the assistance of RICKY PONTING even if he is not on the field. This rule is to be made, so that every team should understand the importance of the FOURTH UMPIRE .
(2) While AUSTRALIAN TEAM is bowling, If the ball flies anywhere close to the AUSTRALIAN FIELDER(WITHIN 5 metre distance), the batsman is to be considered OUT irrelevant of whether the catch was taken cleanly or grassed. Any decision for further clarification should be sought from the FOURTH UMPIRE. This is made to ensure that the cricket is played with SPORTIVE SPIRIT by all the teams.
(3) While BATTING, AUSTRALIAN players will wait for the ON-FIELD UMPIRE decisions only (even if the catch goes to the FIFTH SLIP as the ball might not have touched the bat). Each AUSTRALIAN batsman has to be out FOUR TIMES (minimum) before he can return to the pavilion. In case of THE CRICKETER WITH INTEGRITY, this can be higher.
(4) UMPIRES should consider a huge bonus if an AUSTRALIAN player scores a century. Any wrong decisions can be ignored as they will be paid huge bonus and will receive the backing of the AUSTRALIAN team and board.
(5) All AUSTRALIAN players are eligible to keep commenting about all players on the field and the OPPONENT TEAM should never comment as they will be spoiling the spirit of the AUSTRALIAN team. Any comments made in any other language are to be considered as RACISM only.
(6) MATCH REFREE decisions will be taken purely on the AUSTRALIAN TEAM advices only. Player views from the other teams decisions will not be considered for hearing. MATCH REFREES are to be given huge bonus if this rule is implemented.
(7) NO VISITING TEAM should plan to win in AUSTRALIA. This is to ensure that the sportive spirit of CRICKET is maintained.
(8) THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE : If any bowler gets RICKY PONTING - "THE UNDISPUTED CRICKETER WITH INTEGTIRY IN THE GAME OF CRICKET" more than twice in a series, he will be banned for the REST OF THE SERIES. This is to ensure that the best batsman/Captain will be played to break records and create history in the game of CRICKET .
These rules will clarify better to all the teams VISITING AUSTRALIA.
(2) While AUSTRALIAN TEAM is bowling, If the ball flies anywhere close to the AUSTRALIAN FIELDER(WITHIN 5 metre distance), the batsman is to be considered OUT irrelevant of whether the catch was taken cleanly or grassed. Any decision for further clarification should be sought from the FOURTH UMPIRE. This is made to ensure that the cricket is played with SPORTIVE SPIRIT by all the teams.
(3) While BATTING, AUSTRALIAN players will wait for the ON-FIELD UMPIRE decisions only (even if the catch goes to the FIFTH SLIP as the ball might not have touched the bat). Each AUSTRALIAN batsman has to be out FOUR TIMES (minimum) before he can return to the pavilion. In case of THE CRICKETER WITH INTEGRITY, this can be higher.
(4) UMPIRES should consider a huge bonus if an AUSTRALIAN player scores a century. Any wrong decisions can be ignored as they will be paid huge bonus and will receive the backing of the AUSTRALIAN team and board.
(5) All AUSTRALIAN players are eligible to keep commenting about all players on the field and the OPPONENT TEAM should never comment as they will be spoiling the spirit of the AUSTRALIAN team. Any comments made in any other language are to be considered as RACISM only.
(6) MATCH REFREE decisions will be taken purely on the AUSTRALIAN TEAM advices only. Player views from the other teams decisions will not be considered for hearing. MATCH REFREES are to be given huge bonus if this rule is implemented.
(7) NO VISITING TEAM should plan to win in AUSTRALIA. This is to ensure that the sportive spirit of CRICKET is maintained.
(8) THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE : If any bowler gets RICKY PONTING - "THE UNDISPUTED CRICKETER WITH INTEGTIRY IN THE GAME OF CRICKET" more than twice in a series, he will be banned for the REST OF THE SERIES. This is to ensure that the best batsman/Captain will be played to break records and create history in the game of CRICKET .
These rules will clarify better to all the teams VISITING AUSTRALIA.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
India's wealthy go back to nature

The village is set on a 12-acre farm Some of India's richest people are paying $150 a night to live like peasants at a "native village" in the southern state of Karnataka. The village, Hessargatta - just outside India's IT capital, Bangalore - is designed to encourage the preservation of some of India's rural traditions. It offers visitors the chance to qualify in tasks like milking cows and looking after the other animals, such as turkeys, ducks, chickens and dogs.
Designed to be environmentally-friendly, the village swimming pool is in fact a pond, and kept clean by aquatic plants rather than chemicals. The plants feed on the skin tissue shed when swimming. There is also an open area, on which residents play traditional village games and fly kites, and a temple.
5 reasons to start practicing Yoga and Meditation
The practice of yoga and meditation has become increasingly popular in the past few years, but I am sure that there are many people who are still asking themselves, “What’s in it for me?” So, if you have been wondering whether it would be worth your time to start practicing yoga and meditation, I would like to give you five good reasons why it would be a very worthwhile activity for you.
1. Yoga and meditation will improve your health
- Yoga postures put gentle pressure on the internal organs of the body and help them to function properly. In particular the postures help your digestive system to work smoothly and thus avoid problems such as constipation, acidity and indigestion, which are common conditions that can lead to more serious problems later on. Meditation and deep relaxation can be just what you need to lower your blood pressure. Thus, yoga postures plus meditation is a great combination for maintaining and improving health.
2. Yoga and meditation will help you to overcome bad habits
- What’s a “bad habit?” It’s something that you are doing continually, and something that you know is harming you but you can’t stop it. Are you smoking now? Maybe you thought it was good when you started, but you would now like to stop. The trouble is that it is not so easy to quit smoking or a similar habit once it has become established.
This is where yoga and meditation can help you out. The yoga postures help you to become more relaxed and mentally balanced. Meditation can help you to concentrate your mind and build up your will-power. Once you become internally balanced and have a stronger will power, it will become possible for you to break any habit, even one that you have been troubled by for many years.
3. Yoga and meditation will help you to lose weight
- Obesity is one of the biggest health problems of the modern era. Our lives have become more sedentary and our food sources have changed over the last 100 years and this why many adults and even children are now overweight.
Although this is a life-style problem, it is something that can be dealt with. The surest way to lose weight is to get more exercise and to control what you are eating. This is of course, easier said than done. But yoga and meditation can help you out. There are some yoga postures that are helpful in weight loss programs. Similarly, the mental strength that you can get from both yoga postures and from meditation can help you to gain a better control over your diet and this can result in healthy and permanent weight loss.
4. Yoga and meditation will bring you inner peace
- You may be earning a lot of money and you may have a lot of social prestige but is physical or social wealth the goal of your life? Whatever material or social wealth you have, if you are not contented, satisfied and at peace with yourself then you will not be a happy person.
The goal of meditation is to help you find the inner core of your being. Who are you? Is it the name and address on your identity card? If you start meditating you will find that deep within you is a pool of infinite love and peace. This is the real you. If you can reach this place, then you will find peace and contentment; it is guaranteed!
5. Yoga and meditation will make you a wiser person
- Every one of us has made mistakes that we regret. There is nothing we can do about the past. We can’t go back in time and not make the mistakes. But what we can do is to build up our capacity to see what has permanent value and what is transitory. When we attain this state of discrimination, then we will not do actions that we will regret later on.
Meditation helps a person to go beyond the “chatter” of the mind and attain a state of wisdom that will always be of help. Wisdom does not mean stuffing your mind with “facts” but it does mean to have a mind that will choose a course of action that brings about the welfare of everyone.
I have a list with many more reasons why yoga and meditation are helpful, but I thought I would start off with these five reasons. So, if any one of these items are interesting for you, then why not see for yourself, and start practicing yoga and meditation?
1. Yoga and meditation will improve your health
- Yoga postures put gentle pressure on the internal organs of the body and help them to function properly. In particular the postures help your digestive system to work smoothly and thus avoid problems such as constipation, acidity and indigestion, which are common conditions that can lead to more serious problems later on. Meditation and deep relaxation can be just what you need to lower your blood pressure. Thus, yoga postures plus meditation is a great combination for maintaining and improving health.
2. Yoga and meditation will help you to overcome bad habits
- What’s a “bad habit?” It’s something that you are doing continually, and something that you know is harming you but you can’t stop it. Are you smoking now? Maybe you thought it was good when you started, but you would now like to stop. The trouble is that it is not so easy to quit smoking or a similar habit once it has become established.
This is where yoga and meditation can help you out. The yoga postures help you to become more relaxed and mentally balanced. Meditation can help you to concentrate your mind and build up your will-power. Once you become internally balanced and have a stronger will power, it will become possible for you to break any habit, even one that you have been troubled by for many years.
3. Yoga and meditation will help you to lose weight
- Obesity is one of the biggest health problems of the modern era. Our lives have become more sedentary and our food sources have changed over the last 100 years and this why many adults and even children are now overweight.
Although this is a life-style problem, it is something that can be dealt with. The surest way to lose weight is to get more exercise and to control what you are eating. This is of course, easier said than done. But yoga and meditation can help you out. There are some yoga postures that are helpful in weight loss programs. Similarly, the mental strength that you can get from both yoga postures and from meditation can help you to gain a better control over your diet and this can result in healthy and permanent weight loss.
4. Yoga and meditation will bring you inner peace
- You may be earning a lot of money and you may have a lot of social prestige but is physical or social wealth the goal of your life? Whatever material or social wealth you have, if you are not contented, satisfied and at peace with yourself then you will not be a happy person.
The goal of meditation is to help you find the inner core of your being. Who are you? Is it the name and address on your identity card? If you start meditating you will find that deep within you is a pool of infinite love and peace. This is the real you. If you can reach this place, then you will find peace and contentment; it is guaranteed!
5. Yoga and meditation will make you a wiser person
- Every one of us has made mistakes that we regret. There is nothing we can do about the past. We can’t go back in time and not make the mistakes. But what we can do is to build up our capacity to see what has permanent value and what is transitory. When we attain this state of discrimination, then we will not do actions that we will regret later on.
Meditation helps a person to go beyond the “chatter” of the mind and attain a state of wisdom that will always be of help. Wisdom does not mean stuffing your mind with “facts” but it does mean to have a mind that will choose a course of action that brings about the welfare of everyone.
I have a list with many more reasons why yoga and meditation are helpful, but I thought I would start off with these five reasons. So, if any one of these items are interesting for you, then why not see for yourself, and start practicing yoga and meditation?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Stone Cold returns to help team WWF
This is my all time favorite kick *** video featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin aka The Rattlesnake!
Lead India Campaign Ad
This is the new ad of the Lead India Campaign initiative from The Times of India.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Emerging 'isms of the new Economy
You have a 1000 poor cows. You put them on a nice campus, & send them one at a time to the US for milking.
GE has a cow. You take 49% of the milk.
You have a cow. You have its milk. But don't know what to do with it!
Intel has a Goat. Samsung has a Camel. Buy milk from both & sell it as Cow's milk.
You have old stubborn cows. You sell them as pet dogs to innocent small businessmen.
You have a cow. Force the world to buy milk from you. Spend a million dollars to feed poorer cows.
You have a bull. It doesn't give milk. You hate Microsoft.
You have a cow. You don't know which side to milk, so you sell tools to help milk cows.
You don't have a cow You sell milking solutions for cows implemented by milking consultants.
You have a cow. You sell iMilk.
You have a cow. You spend $50 mn to develop the world's thinnest milk.
Welcome to Citibank. If you have a cow, press 1. If you have a bull, press 2...stay on line if you'd like our customer care to milk it for you.
You don't know if what you have is a cow. You sell complete milking solutions through authorised resellers only.
You have a donkey. People think you have a 100-year old cow. If someone finds out, that's his imagination at work.
You don't yet have a cow. You sell empty cans to people for Rs. 501, because Dhirubhai wanted everyone to have milk.
You have a very old cow. You re-brand it as TATA Indicow.
You have a 1000 poor cows. You put them on a nice campus, & send them one at a time to the US for milking.
GE has a cow. You take 49% of the milk.
You have a cow. You have its milk. But don't know what to do with it!
Intel has a Goat. Samsung has a Camel. Buy milk from both & sell it as Cow's milk.
You have old stubborn cows. You sell them as pet dogs to innocent small businessmen.
You have a cow. Force the world to buy milk from you. Spend a million dollars to feed poorer cows.
You have a bull. It doesn't give milk. You hate Microsoft.
You have a cow. You don't know which side to milk, so you sell tools to help milk cows.
You don't have a cow You sell milking solutions for cows implemented by milking consultants.
You have a cow. You sell iMilk.
You have a cow. You spend $50 mn to develop the world's thinnest milk.
Welcome to Citibank. If you have a cow, press 1. If you have a bull, press 2...stay on line if you'd like our customer care to milk it for you.
You don't know if what you have is a cow. You sell complete milking solutions through authorised resellers only.
You have a donkey. People think you have a 100-year old cow. If someone finds out, that's his imagination at work.
You don't yet have a cow. You sell empty cans to people for Rs. 501, because Dhirubhai wanted everyone to have milk.
You have a very old cow. You re-brand it as TATA Indicow.
New words added to Cricket Dictionary
Some new words have been added to the Cricket Dictionary after the recent India-Australia Intermational Test match held in Syndney Cricket Ground(SCG).
Ponting: (n) (adj)
1. A substance or entity or even a person of questionable integrity
2. An act of uncivilised behaviour. [Also, pontingness (n)]
Usage: The judge was driven towards justice because he knew that the pontiff was a ponting.
Sir Bonkers said, “Don’t try to bully me. I surely can fathom the pontingness in your eyes”.
Bucknor: (n) (adj)
1. Temporary blindness leading to missing out on the obvious.
2. To be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
3. Situations leading to grave judgemental errors.
Usage: I feel bucknored by my boss; Life often throws a bucknor at you.
Benson: (n) (adj)
1. Something that legitimises a severe bucknor.
Usage: First they bucknored me and then they bensoned it! I am toast.
Also see bucknor.
Ponting: (n) (adj)
1. A substance or entity or even a person of questionable integrity
2. An act of uncivilised behaviour. [Also, pontingness (n)]
Usage: The judge was driven towards justice because he knew that the pontiff was a ponting.
Sir Bonkers said, “Don’t try to bully me. I surely can fathom the pontingness in your eyes”.
Bucknor: (n) (adj)
1. Temporary blindness leading to missing out on the obvious.
2. To be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
3. Situations leading to grave judgemental errors.
Usage: I feel bucknored by my boss; Life often throws a bucknor at you.
Benson: (n) (adj)
1. Something that legitimises a severe bucknor.
Usage: First they bucknored me and then they bensoned it! I am toast.
Also see bucknor.
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