One particular belief that almost 60% of people in India have is for Amulets. Yes, the shiny or pale, sharp or blunt objects that are worn around the necks more commonly known as amulets. These objects are believed to possess the power to cure diseases, bring strength, protect a person from evil and yes also to increase the male or female libido. A tiny little (or not so tiny) object hung around the neck with a piece of string or steel or gold or silver or plastic strings is also believed to possess magical powers. There are lots of stories and myths about amulets that have inspired many films, short stories and generations of people. They are not restricted to any particular set of people. Even people from developed nations like the US of A, UK and others believe in this power of amulets. In India most particularly people wear them with the object being a pendant depicting various gods, coins from the bygone era, tiger nails, horse hair, tiger teeth etc etc.

Today when I was traveling by my usual local train in the morning, I overheard a conversation between two co-travelers. One of them was boasting about an amulet which a friend of his had got for his 2 year old son. This particular piece of amulet was a tiger nail tied to a string of gold. This person was telling his friend that the amulet had magical powers and it was supposed to make the child strong and keep him away from fear and all other evils. Woah!! Tiger nails! Isn’t it illegal to kill a tiger and procure a tiger nail or in that matter procuring a tiger nail by any means is considered illegal in India, and this person was boasting his was to glory! His friend had got it from some part of Madhya Pradesh which is a state in India. Everyone knows that a tiger possesses immense strength, valor, vigor, keen sense etc but isn’t it totally rubbish and foolish to believe that a small tiger nail brings such unbelievable abilities in a human being. Scientifically speaking tiger nails as any other nail is dead skin which is immune to pain, shock etc but some superstitious people still believe that it has such immense powers. I mean, come on, it’s just another piece of nail isn’t it? People need to understand the logic behind this. Why can’t such people just use their brains instead of believing in what other say! But, then again, wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone used even 10% of their logic and common sense?
Idol worship is very common in many parts of the world. In fact in India you will find a different deity for every different region or state. It is estimated that there are at least 330 million different varieties of ‘gods’ in India. People worship in temples, churches, mosques etc etc. However, what is the whole idea of wearing a deity around the neck? People tend to think that this will keep them away from the ‘evil eye’ and bring happiness. As some one had said ‘true happiness lies within’! This needs to be understood by most of the people. People except to be protected by a piece of metal hung around their neck. Isn’t this very absurd? We actually depend on this piece of metal to protect us?? In India many religions actually encourage the use of amulets and pass them off as a ‘part of the tradition’. The question that arises here is ‘who made the traditions’? Was it us or was it god? Certainly us because humans really don’t have the guts and patience to listen to anyone who commands them. Also, where is the ultimate proof that god told humans to follow these traditions? Traditions are the brain child of humans and hence these amulets are also the brain child of a very wise person who found out a way to treat insecure and over anxious people. People just need a medium through which they can express their thoughts, fear etc and wearing such amulets is an absolutely indigenous way of showing that they have faith in god.
Such amulets are available all across the globe but for a price. They are sold in temples, across the street, by the hakim, the crooked person whom people fondly call ‘baba’ and so called saints who are believed to have powers unknown to mankind (yeah right!, like the world needs more powers!) People have to wake up to the fact that these amulets contain powers that we believe they will have. It is our mind which makes us think that they have powers behind comparison. Only, the human mind and a pure heart without any guilt, dishonesty or wrong doings in life can have true happiness. These amulets just use our will power, confidence and motivation to ‘possess’ the power that we want them to have. We have to stop believing in all these gibberish and realize the fact that they are nothing but a human creation to blame some one else but us. Humans have a very uncanny ability to blame god for everything and these amulets serve as the right medium. They are held responsible for bringing happiness, strength etc. What we fail to realize is that we are responsible for our actions and nothing else. The day people start realizing this, the world will truly be free of these ‘objects’ that we fondly call ‘amulets’.
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