Ah! The rains are finally here. It has been a loooonnnng time since I posted something on my blog. Today while I was traveling back home, after a not so tiring day at work, I thought why not rejuvenate my blog with my thoughts on the best time of the year. It is the time of the year that I await the most. As a true Indian, I absolutely hate the summers. The winters are more or less like the summers except for the fact that it is a lot cooler in the morning. The rainy season is the only time of the year in which a person can expect cool mornings, a cooler afternoon and a much cooler evening and night. The skies are overcast and the clouds are brimmed with ‘water’ waiting to burst over and fall on the ground.
In Mumbai, the city where I live, the rains come a bit late than usual. If I were to speak like a typical god-fearing Indian (which I am not), I would say; “The rain gods have finally smiled upon us” How can any ‘god’ smile and make the water fall from clouds?? This is one thing that intrigues me. I won’t say that I don’t believe in god, but I certainly don’t blame god for everything and I most certainly don’t attribute my success to god. It’s my hard work which has lead to my success. Wait!!! Why am I diverting from the topic? The topic here is ‘Rains’. I will get back to my thinking about the 330 million Hindu gods in my later posts (and a bit of bashing to all the ‘god-fearing’ Hindu people in India)
The skies have been overcast since the last two days and the last two days have seen the rains getting into Mumbai. I stay in Dombivli which is a suburb, located almost 50 Kms away from Mumbai. However, today was the day, which saw the skies, laden with dark clouds and strong winds for the entire day.
When I was traveling today from home to my office in Mumbai, it had already started to drizzle. I thought it would be yet another day which would bring false hopes to all those people who love the rains. The Mumbai Metrological department had predicted that the rains will strike Mumbai by 10th June. And, like every time, they got it horribly wrong! The rains struck Mumbai and how! The overcast skies refused to get cleared and it started raining. The weather was awesome and legen….wait for it….dary! As I was working on my workstation jotting away email to my books’ reviewers, my attention was always diverted outside whenever it used to thunder. I longed to go outside and enjoy the rain with the rain drops falling on my smooth silky hair (yes, you got it, I am exaggerating the hair part) As always, I was deprived of an opportunity to step out of my office and enjoy the rains for even 10 minutes, as I was pathetically busy listening to awesome songs by Pink Floyd, Cranberries etc and also doing some ‘work’. As I was about to step out of my office for some time, the HR guys of our organization had organized ‘Funday’ today which needless to say was no fun at all. To add to it, there was the employee of the month award, which as usual was given to person who totally ‘did not’ deserve it. I personally believe that these awards are given to people when the organization thinks that the person is not eligible for a promotion, but not too bad enough to let go. More on this will follow in my ‘soon to come’ blog posts.
Finally, the time to bid adieu to today’s work came and I joyously left my office to drench in the rains. The best part about the monsoon is that it brings lot’s of joys to people as they bring water to the city (which is the most important aspect to a bustling city like Mumbai, which has been dubbed as the melting pot of India). The rain drops bring joy to my eyes and needlessly to say to my heart.
I enjoy sipping on a cup of tea by the roadside tea stall, which have made their presence felt in each and every corner of the city. I especially enjoy a hot vada pav to go with the awesome taste of the tea. Many Mumbaikars (this is what the people residing in Mumbai are called) hate traveling in the train after a hard and long day at work. But, I prefer traveling in a train, standing at the train door and I love it when the cool wind blows in my face messing up my awesome hair (yes, I am obsessed with my hair)!! I love the sweet though distinguished smell of the rain drenched soil. Most mumbaikars hate the rains because the streets get very dirty owing to the loads of plastic bags, satchets etc etc which get accumulated over a period of time and which are washed on the street adding to the list of many woes that a normal every day traveler has.
I absolutely love the rains. In fact, I was longing for the rains to arrive this year as I was fed up of the heat this summer. I wanted to fell the cool breeze and the drops of water on my face and I did get my share of ‘drenching in the rain’ yesterday and today. I beg to differ from all those people who think that rains are very messy. They according to me are the most beautiful part of the year. I love the thunders, the clouds, the overcast skies, the lightning…everything!!!
Yes, I might be a fanatic for rains, but hey that’s how I am, whether you like it or not!
Three cheers to the monsoon!!!