One day, I was wasting my time doing nothing. I was bored, really bored. Then, this friend of mine, came to me and said, "Hey, Chetan Bhagat's new novel, 'The Three Mistakes of My Life' has become a bestseller! Well, I thought, I could read his book, though I was very apprehensive about it. Apprehensive. Yes, because his last novel, 'One Night At The Call Centre' was 'CRAP'. Seriously, after reading his first book, 'Five Point Someone', I was expecting much more from him. So, when I heard about his third book, I decided to read the book. It was "The First Mistake of My Life". If this was not enough, I decided to buy the book to read it. This was "The Second Mistake of My Life". Then, I finished reading the book in 4 hours. This was "The Third and The Biggest Mistake of My Life". I am not going to get back those 4 hours of my life!
The book is utter crap. Take my words for it. I have read many more crappier books, and this is one amongst the crappiest best. Thank goodness I finished the book in 4 hours. I can imagine the anger and frustration in those people, who were expecting a mind blowing novel. True, the book is mind blowing coz it really blows your mind so far that you can't even search for it. Even an amateur could have written a better book.
The book starts with Govind and then I really don't know where it heads coz it is mindless crap. I had thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Five Point Someone' but this book is worthless. Chetan Bhagat, is just capitalising on his fame and writing crappier books day by day. Normally, books are so interesting that readers are compelled to turn the pages. Here, I was compelled to turn the pages because I wanted to finish off reading the book real fast so that I could at least get some of my money's worth by not wasting too much time on it.
The book looks promising at first but then loses the track altogether and the author's style of writing is pathetic. One suggestion Mr. Bhagat. You really need to get your act together for your fourth book i.e. if you are planning to write another one, after all the bashing you got for your last two books. I would really love to read 'Five Point Someone - The Sequel'. That book was really good. Please spare the poor readers from more of this crap and write better novels. We expect this from "The biggest-selling English-language novelist in India's history"
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